Contributing to OpenCSP
OpenCSP welcomes all contributions from bug fixes and documentation to new features. OpenCSP uses a fork-based development process. To contribute, please create a fork of OpenCSP. When you are ready to propose these changes, please open a pull request (PR) into the develop branch.
Contribution Requirements
A pull request (PR) should contain a set of related changes. For large non-functional changes such as code style changes, please open a separate PR from your functional changes. This makes reviewing the functional changes less error prone.
Coding Standards
We follow and enforce adherence to the PEP8 coding standard with the exception of a maximum line length of 120 characters.
Online OpenCSP documentation is generated using Sphinx. For API documentation, we use NumPy-style docstrings with bulleted lists. We require NumPy compliant docstrings for Models, Public Classes, and Public Functions. For more internal and development-facing documentation please use hash tags.
All documentation is verified to pass sphinx-build without errors via Solely documentation that has a associated sphinx config in will be included in this online documentation. There are several different ways to include documentation in the sphinx config depending on what the source of documentation is. For general guidance, please see For examples of how this is currently done in OpenCSP, please see any of the config.rst files in doc/source. A common use-case is to include a new class with its documented and undocumented non-private members. For example, to include the class ‘Fringes’ in the documentation you would add the following to =============================== .. currentmodule:: .. automodule:: :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance:
We highly recommend using Visual Studio Code for development. If using VS Code, please install the following plugins:
Black Formatter This will auto format code to be Black compliant as you type. The following settings will need to be added to your VS Code settings JSON:
"editor.formatOnSave": true, "editor.defaultFormatter": "", "black-formatter.args": [ "--line-length", "120", // Sets line length to 120 characters "-C", // Do not add magic trailing commas "-S" // Do not change quotes from single to double ]
Pylint This plugin highlights code that could be improved. The following settings will need to be added to your VS Code settings JSON:
"pylint.args": [ "--disable=C0301" // Ignore line too long ]
autoDocstring - Python Docstring Generator This automatically generates boilerplate docstring text. The following settings will need to be added to your VS Code setings JSON:
"autoDocstring.docstringFormat": "numpy"
Before opening a pull request, please ensure your code formatting is pep8 compliant. Continuous integration (CI) testing will fail if the changes are not pep8 compliant:
# Apply correct formatting in CI
pip install black
black /path/to/opencsp -C -S
The following pre-commit hook can be added to automatically apply black to your commits:
$ cat .git/hooks/pre-commit
for FILE in $(git diff --cached --name-only | egrep '.*\.py$')
if [ -e $FILE ]; then
black $FILE --line-length 120 -C -S
git add $FILE
Getting Started
OpenCSP provides both a library and stand-alone applications that can be used for modeling concentrating solar-thermal power technologies. Lets briefly take a look at the directories within the OpenCSP code base.
Directory Summary
opencsp/app: OpenCSP library and applications
opencsp/common: Common code used by the library and applications
doc: developer documentation
example: OpenCSP examples
contrib: Contributed code that is not actively tested or maintained
This directory contains the OpenCSP library and application code.
Graphical User Interface which aides in the calibration of machine vision cameras.
Reconstructs a 3d scene of Aruco markers using a calibrated camera.
A Graphical User Interface that allows the user to select points on an image. Results are saved to text file.
High-precision deflectometry measurement of CSP mirrors, including heliostat facets, full heliostats, and dishes.
Generation and interpretation of optical targets.
This directory contains the OpenCSP common data and code used by the library and applications above.
This directoy contains common data used for testing and running examples.
This directory contains common code and data structures used by the library and application code above. For example, classes to represent light sources, facets, mirrors, and heliostats reside here.
Setting up your development environment
Install Git. Please see:
Install Python 3.10+ and add it to your PATH. Please see: and
Install visual studio code. Please see:
Install ffmpeg. Please see:
Add ffmpeg to your path. Please see:
Clone the repository. For help on cloning, please see
Setup a python virtual environment to manage OpenCSP’s dependencies. For information about python’s virtual environments, please see
Add OpenCSP to your pythonpath. Please see
How to install OpenCSP’s dependencies
With python version 3.10 or greater, run the following:
Docker (Headless)
- ::
$ cd /path/to/OpenCSP/ $ export ARCH=arm64 # set this to amd64 for amd64 hardware $ docker build -build-arg=”TARGET_ARG=$ARCH” –arch $ARCH -t opencsp-dev-ubi8-$ARCH -f Dockerfile ./docker
Docker (Xorg)
For MacOS, install xquartz. Open the xquartz xterm and run xhost +localhost. Open the xquartz preferences, and, in the security tab, select “Allow connections from network clients”.
For Windows, install vcxsrv. Open vcxsrv and select ‘Multiple Windows’, set display number to 0, enable start no client, disable access control. Click finish to start the server.
- ::
$ cd /path/to/OpenCSP/ $ export ARCH=arm64 # set this to amd64 for amd64 hardware $ docker build –build-arg=”TARGET_ARG=$ARCH” –arch $ARCH -t opencsp-dev-ubi8-x11-$ARCH -f Dockerfile_x11 ./docker # For podman desktop: $ podman run -it –rm –env DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0 –volume /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v$PWD:/code opencsp-dev-ubi8-x11-$ARCH “/bin/bash” # Otherwise: $ docker run -it –rm –env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY –volume /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v$PWD:/code opencsp-dev-ubi8-x11-$ARCH “/bin/bash”
To expose a device such as a camera in docker, use:
- ::
docker run –device /path/to/device …
On linux, the device is typically in /dev/.
$ cd /path/to/OpenCSP/../
$ python -m venv ./venv
# On Linux or MacOS:
$ . ./venv/bin/activate
$ (venv) cd OpenCSP
$ (venv) pip install -r requirements.txt
$ cd \path\to\OpenCSP\..\
$ python -m venv .\venv
$ . .\venv\Scripts\activate
$ (venv) cd OpenCSP
$ (venv) pip install -r requirements.txt
MacOS is not fully supported by OpenCSP.
rawpy may be available via pip install, however, if you are on a M1, M2, or M3 Mac, you may need to install rawpy from source. In order to install rawpy from source, we recommend using the brew package manager. In fact, ffmpeg can be installed with brew as well.
Attempt to install the OpenCSP requirements:
$ cd /path/to/OpenCSP/../
$ python -m venv ./venv
$ . ./venv/bin/activate
$ (venv) cd OpenCSP
$ (venv) pip install -r requirements.txt
If rawpy is not available, you can install it from source as follows:
Install brew. Please see
Install rawpy from source:
$ brew install python-tk@3.10 libomp llvm
$ git clone
$ cd rawpy
$ pip install wheel numpy cython
$ pip install .
Comment out the ‘rawpy’ line in requirements.txt and then run:
$ (venv) cd OpenCSP
$ (venv) pip install -r requirements.txt
Running OpenCSP’s test suite
Within venv, you can now run:
$ (venv) cd /path/to/OpenCSP
$ (venv) export PYTHONPATH=$PWD
$ (venv) cd opencsp
$ (venv) pytest
Tests are housed next to the source code that they exercise. Test input data is housed in a data sub-directory. For example, for testing solely common/lib/render functionality, tests go in common/lib/render/test and data goes in common/lib/render/test/data. For testing both common/lib/render and common/lib/target, tests go in common/lib/test. Every PR must pass all tests residing under OpenCSP/opencsp on Windows and Linux. Tests are run automatically when you open or update a PR.
How to Run Tests
(venv) $ cd /path/to/OpenCSP/opencsp
(venv) $ pytest --color=yes
How to generate coverage reports
Install pytest-cov in your virtual environment:
(venv) $ pip install pytest-cov
Collect coverage for entire code base:
(venv) $ cd /path/to/OpenCSP/opencsp
(venv) $ pytest --color=yes -rs -vv --cov=. --cov-report term --cov-config=.coveragerc
Collect coverage for the sofast application:
(venv) $ cd /path/to/OpenCSP/opencsp
(venv) $ pytest --color=yes -rs -vv --cov=./app/sofast --cov-report term --cov-config=.coveragerc ./app/sofast/
Python Version Support
OpenCSP supports versions of python 3.10 or greater. OpenCSP tests against python version 3.10 and the latest stable python release.
Operating System Support
OpenCSP officially supports both Windows and Linux. We primarily test against Ubuntu 22.04 and Windows 2022.
Using Git Branches, Forks, and Remotes
OpenCSP uses a fork and branch based development model. Topic branches must be created on your fork of OpenCSP. For more details on git, we recommend referring to Another useful reference for visual learners is:
Topic branches
A topic branch is a branch where a bug fix, non-functional change, features, or any set of related changes are committed. All topic branches should be created from the latest tip of the develop branch. Ideally, topic branches should be short lived and merged into the develop branch within a couple weeks from their creation. If it is not possible to open a PR for the topic branch within a couple weeks, consider reducing the scope of your topic branches.
Do not merge into topic branches
If your topic branch is more than a week old, please rebase it on top of the develop branch instead of merging the develop branch into your topic branch. A git rebase effectively places your topic branch commits on-top of the current commits in develop. Just like with a merge, conflicts may need to be resolved. In general, these are the commands for rebasing on top of develop:
(venv) $ git checkout my-new-topic
(venv) $ git fetch upstream
(venv) $ git rebase upstream/develop
Please see ‘Working with remotes’ below, if you’re not familiar with upstream.
The ‘develop’ Branch
The develop branch contains unreleased code that has passed code review and unit testing. Unless you are performing a OpenCSP release, your PR should be opened against the develop branch.
The ‘main Branch’
The main branch contains all OpenCSP releases. The tip main is always the latest release of OpenCSP.
Creating a Fork
To create a fork of OpenCSP, navigate to and, in the top right, click ‘Fork’. This will create a fork of OpenCSP under your github account.
Creating a topic branch
Now that you have a fork, navigate to<github-username>/OpenCSP and clone the fork of OpenCSP. To clone, in the top right, click ‘Code’, select the ‘Local’ tab and copy the clone URL. Clone OpenCSP. Navigate to the clone of OpenCSP, checkout the develop branch and create your topic branch:
cd /path/to/OpenCSP
git checkout develop
git checkout -b my-new-topic
Working with remotes
Now that you have a fork of OpenCSP cloned, you have a single remote named origin. This remote refers to your fork on GitHub:<github-username>/OpenCSP. This fork contains the same branches that the upstream repository at contained when it was forked.
The branches only reflect the state of the upstream repository at the time it was forked. In order to create a new topic branch with the latest changes from upstream, you must use multiple remotes.
To create a upstream remote:
cd /path/to/OpenCSP
git remote add upstream-https
Setup your develop and main branch to track from upstream:
git checkout develop
git branch --set-upstream-to=upstream-https/develop
git checkout main
git branch --set-upstream-to=upstream-https/main
Create a topic branch and push it to your fork (origin remote):
git checkout develop
git pull --ff-only upstream-https develop
git checkout -b my-new-topic
git push origin my-new-topic
Rather than typing ‘git push origin my-new-topic’, you can set your topic branch to track the origin remote:
git checkout my-new-topic
git push origin my-new-topic
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/my-new-topic
git push
Review Process
OpenCSP requires at least one approval before a PR is merged.
PR Reviewers
After the PR has passed automated testing, please review the code changes primarily for test coverage, major defects, design, and code readability. For requested changes outside the scope of the changes within the PR, consider filing a follow-on issue.
Release Process
Stable releases are tagged on the main branch. The tip of the main branch is the latest stable release. The develop branch will contain the latest unreleased changes and should be used with caution.